Sunday, February 3, 2008

When Good Cheesecake Goes Bad

Val suggested they clean up the cheesecakes, but Scott seems to have developed a strange attachment to them.



Nevermind the headaches the cakes are starting to cause everyone else...


Errr, yeah. We can get rid of those, then.


"I'm SOR-ry! I had to go!"


"It's okay. We can deal with this. We're happy, see? All smiling and stuff. Happy, happy, happy."


"Okay, I'm a little concerned, now. We seemed to have baked ourselves into a corner. The wife has fallen asleep!"


"Excuse me! I would like to worry about my wife, but there's no room!"


Ty laughs. He's like that.


Then he succumbs to the same fate as his mother. His brothers worry, because they can.


Shep's not so worried. Val looks sizzlin' slumped over her plate, like that. He'd be able to see right down her shirt if Ty wasn't partially obscuring his view.


Val snaps awake.

"But I don't even want cheesecake! I want a chef salad!"


"I'm trying to make ya one, darlin', but I can't get over there!"


"This was a - *really* - bad idea!"

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