Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Date That Tried To Be

Oooh! Hot steamy date details!

I wanted to ask Justin out. We'd been shackin' for a while, but had never actually been on a date. So, I called him up.

As I'm stepping over Rainbow (po thang), Justin's voice rings out in my head. "Don't be late!"

So we pull up to the curb in front of Midnight Flows, get out of the car...

...and immediately yell at each other for dumping each other for...well, each other.

We both vaporized off the lot and I had to go back to the neighborhood. Once home, I called Justin again. If you'd like the details of that date, please reread this post.


Well, I decided to invite Justin over to my place. And then ask him out.

So I called him up. He came over and kissed me hello just as an old flame, Leia Royce, walked by. *of course*

Leia slapped him senseless.

Well, I couldn't have that, now. Nobody slaps my Justin silly! Voodoo bottle to the rescue. Sim me, just like real me, finds this hysterical.

So now I decide to put Justin through the third degree.

What's your sign, baby?

What does a hot stud like you do for a living?

So you must make, what? How much money?

So, what are your plans for me, Mr. Goth-Bayfield?

Mmm hmm. What else?

Anything else? Anything at all?

Now you're talkin' sweetheart!
Satisfied with the way the questions had been answered, I give Justin a big wet smooch.

I ask him out, and we compare wants.

Okay. We obviously want some woohoo. So we play around in lizzlove's bed a bit, then I go out to the car and call Justin over. Justin is asleep, and when he wakes up he seems a bit confused.

Buh-Bye, then Justin. At least I had fun.
Undeterred, I immediately call Justin a billionth time for another date. My place, again. He comes over, and I lure him over to the car with some chitchat about his skills.

Then I drag him into the car.

Woo hoo!

Justin is obviously impressed. He wants more.

But our timer ran out, unfortunately. However, we did well.

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