Thursday, January 11, 2007

Justin Moves In!

I decided that now that Justin and I are engaged, I wanted him to move in. He accepted and brought 606 simoleans with him. What happened to the billions of simoleans he's worth, huh???

When asked who would be moving in along with Justin, I decided that it would be a good idea for Julian to live with us as well. The older Goth-Bayfield kids are quite happy with all their cousins at the House of Fallen Trees, which is where Justin and I will eventually end up, probably. But for now, a smaller lot is good. Jason begged and pleaded to move in, too. He has a big throbbing crush on me, ya know...

We still always have a house full of visitors. Justin's family spends a lot of time at our place. Of course, they all have big, throbbing crushes on me, also.

Typical scenes, and in no particular order. Jason and Jory are constantly pranking each other.

And Ben is usually sleeping on the floor somewhere.

Rainbow tries to entertain Jason with a cheer (and Jason is uncharacteristically cranky about it), as Ben snoozes on the floor behind them. And Justin and I make out in our undies.

Jory tries to get a little "Jory time" but is followed by a gaggle of toddlers,

And Ben is awakened by the sound of the trash compactor.

And here's a cozy little evening for ya. Jason plays darts, Jory naps, and my crazed stalker, Leia Royce, hangs outside my window with a flaming thought bubble of me over her head. Look closely:

Leia's really been a pain in the ass, lately. Look at her, just wandering into my house like she owns the place! Wiping her nose and stuff.

She's always teleported off, but keeps coming back. She gets the voodoo bottle treatment every time.

I set up Inge's security system to keep her out of my house, so I look out in the backyard late one night to find this:

The toddlers all grew into children on the same night. Cuteness all around!

Julian bears a striking resemblance to his momma:

Katie looks a lot like Ben:

And Marie is a mini Rainbow:

Okay, so that's that part of the update. The biggun is coming next. Justin and I would like to be alone, now:

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