Thursday, January 11, 2007

Warning: Slippery When Wet!


Big ass crazy update!
Damn my insistence upon taking screenshots of the cinematic. Damn it!

First of all, enjoy these. Might as well.

I got a new hot tub for the house. Justin and I decided to christen it right away. Unfortunately, we were constantly shooing Shep, Joel, and Jason out.

I have a hack installed that lets the cinematic play everytime there's a woohoo. It's awesome. And, when you are rapidly taking screenshot after screenshot it makes for some very interesting shots. Especially when the screenshots overlap, as seen here, where the dialogue box from the previously canceled screenie is still on the screen:

This is what I mean by "interesting". The boys kept trying to get in the hot tub after the cinematic started.

So here are some of the shots taken in those back to back to back to back woohoo sessions. Some are cinematic shots, others are makeout shots:

It went on until daylight:

Now, we must have woohoo'ed 15 times. Which means that the chance of a mis-click or accidental pregnancy also increases. Guess where this is going???

I noticed again that the "Try for baby" option had mysteriously disappeared. I took another pregnancy test, and here was the result:

Once again, stay tuned. Looks like I'll be poppin' out some more puppies!

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