Thursday, January 11, 2007

Rainbow Goes For Broke

Well, things were frantically put together for the big day, er, night. We had to accept the fact that it was too late to throw a wedding party as the guests would be really pissed off being invited at 3 am, and the only space big enough to place a wedding arch was the backyard. As far as guests went, Justin, Joel, and Jason were all still there and forced into their monkeysuits, and I had to quickly find something to wear. Rainbow had a beautiful wedding dress with rose appliquees, so I needed to dress in something rosy. I settled on a really scratchy and tight dress, but it complemented the bride's much more comfortable gown well. Of course the bride and groom surprised me by going with Maxis formal wear, so I was itchy and uncomfortable and cold all night for naught. Julian, meanwhile, happily played with his blocks in the living room, all warm and cozy.

Just before changing into her gown, Rainbow turned all gooey and serenaded her groom:

A little chatting under the arch:

A shot of the guests:

...and the rings are finally exchanged:

We are happy for the newlyweds:

Afterwards, the bride and groom head inside darts?
Rainbow says this is tradition in her family. Post nuptial darts.

While the bride and groom played darts, I get swooned over *yet again*. This time it's Corbett!

Rainbow and Ben changed into the formal wear they were supposed to have worn to pose for some photos:

See? Now my dress makes sense.

Rainbow takes a cute little leap into the arms of her new husband:

And this is the part where my heel got stuck in Justin's ear. Boy was that ever embarrassing:

Ben smooches Rainbow the instant free will is turned back on:

And Rainbow runs to the toilet the instant Ben is done smooching her. Nevermind Julian, Rainbow. This won't scar him a bit:

Outside, Corbett continues to swoon:

Inside, Joel is stuck with a tantrum-throwing Julian:

I sent Rainbow upstairs to bed, and she gave me this little scare a few minutes later:

She's fine, though. Just being "difficult".

Corbett goes home, and Shep is invited over. I am trying to spend quality time with each of Justin's family members, so getting to know everyone is a sloooow process. Oh, and *of course* Shep likes me, too. Still loving this game:

I have quite the little fan club. Justin's entire family seems to love me. But, jeez, can a girl get a little privacy, please?

Rainbow wakes up and heads outside to practice her lullabies on the karaoke machine. Worked like a charm on Ben:

That evening, Rainbow successfully entered her third trimester.

And Justin and I had our first little spat. Over me flushing the toilet of all things. Sheesh.

Time for me to meet a couple more family members. Jude and Bradley are teleported to the lot.
Let's just get this out of the way...


...and Boom.

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