Thursday, January 11, 2007

Who's Your Daddy

Taken from my forum, for a little background on why I decided to go this route:

"Woah, big big big possible update. I don't know if I have the guts to go through with it or not...:rollin

It may be a *bit* too weird. Ugh. Decisions.

Okay, I gave Sim Val free reign with the boys. Jealousy off. Just a one time dealie. Well, she and one of the others, well, got a little carried away...and of course she is pregnant, now.

Maybe I *should* go through with it and keep the identity of the father a secret? that's interesting."

After giving it some thought, and conferring with my moderator, I posted this:

"Okay, I will go through with it. I've got the story forming in my head. Sim Val is hours from giving birth. I'm curious to see if anyone will be able to guess the identity of the daddy once it's born. Many Bayfield males in the household are "suspect", which narrows it down to, excluding hubby Justin, of course, 6 possibities, I think. Will recount later.

Justin knows it is not his, but the father of the baby does not know. Since sim Val has only ever slept with Justin and now this other family member, he may get the clue. Of course, he may also just assume it's Justin's child and not find out until later in the story that it's really his. Justin will adopt this child. He is cool with it, really. It was a wild party. And sim Val had a blast. Justin has quite a lusty past, so he just let his wife have a weekend of fun. No more, though. Faithful from here on out."

And the term "faithful" is used very loosely, from here on out, as well...

On we go.

Sim Val has been such a good girl. I added her to the game fully intending for her to whore it up with the Bayfield boys, but found I have a little more respect for my sim self than that. She fell in love with, and married, Justin without even kissing any of the others. I was bored the other night, and turned jealousy off on the Goth-Bayfield lot. Then I let Sim Val go wild. I did not even intend to save the game, I just was in the mood for a little trouble. When Sim Val and one of the boys snuck off to the love bed, I let her go with it. When the chimes played, I nearly exited right then and there, but then I thought about it. This could be fun. And I ain't telling who the daddy is, but maybe you'll figure it out. Here's what I posted on the forum:

Okay, here are some pics from that crazy weekend. It went on through the first part of the pregnancy. Sim Val was having too much fun to stop after just one night...

Joe, of course, was the first up. Come on, he is my original honey!

He hits on me, and I fall hard

The man's got moves.

and he is the first one I kiss

Josh is next, with his yummy self.

Bradley was the only one whose advances I rejected at first. But he gave me a backrub and it was all over.

We fell in love

Sim Val does not age-discriminate, apparently. So cutie patootie Jason made his move. He couldn't believe his luck when I gave him the go ahead (and thank you stretchSkeleton for making me not look so much like a dirty old simlady):

Josh, of course, has twin boys (triplets, actually, they have a sister) Shep and Scott. Shep leaps into my arms:

And I fall in love with him pretty much right away

But his Pleasure Seeker brother, Scott, and I always had a special connection. It's a Pleasure Seeker thing...

I was romanced throughout my pregnancy (remember, this was a weekend long party)

Here is the family loading screen with the new little tyke. As you can see, Justin has taken over the daddy role, nicely. The actual father may or may not also be pictured:

Ignore the skintone on the baby. I actually changed it to take on the darker Bayfield skintone, so he's darker as a toddler.

And the first pics of Dylan:

So, what do you think? Who did sim Val run off to the lovebed with, the sneaky girl...Who is Dylan's biological father?







I can tell you who it's not, but he's a proud "papa" nonetheless...

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