Thursday, January 11, 2007

OFB: A Bakery/Electronics/Music store/ salon is born

Now I'm going to get all silly about my first successful trial with OFB. I removed a few conflicting hacks and Scottbott stopped going berserk on me. I was able to actually try out this business thing. *Kind of* addicting. I recently cleaned out my custom content, so a lot of customers walked in bald, wearing that awful burgundy shirt/beige capris combo. Some were even missing eyebrows.

Josh's oldest son, Joshie Jr. owns the business. A bakery. In the living room. Of course. He hires his first employee, nephew Shawn. Shawn is more than happy to trade in his llama suit to bake pies.

The first customer is Bella Goth! Scott has been cheated to gold everything, so he is already a top-notch salesman. He readies himself to dazzle. (Scott and his autonomous primping. Oy.)

I got tired of baked goods pretty quickly, so the business naturally segued into a bakery/electronics store. Which also sells musical instruments. Of course.

I put everyone in the same dorky outfits. Of course.:

Jeremy is so happy to be running the register. So very happy. He thanks me very much for this.:

Joshua takes inventory:

Mindy Lothario comes in and Scott "dazzles" her into buying a keyboard. She actually only came in for some cheesecake. Scott's that good!

Business was going very well, so the the bakery shut down, and it became all electronics and musical instruments from then on. Oh, yeah. And a hair salon. *OF COURSE*. Val gives her first free makeover to Mindy-"You haf no eyebrows, dahlink"-Lothario:

Jeremy earned his gold badge as a cashier, but was getting overwhelmed as business took off. Shawn retired his apron and took over the second register. Not very well, at first.

Val and Jeremy go on lunch break:

Shep, who is also in sales (no cheating! He had to work for his badges!) found himself trying to convince Marja Blenner that he was just kidding back when he used to bully her around in high school.

"You're looking great! Have you lost weight?"

"...'ol buddy, 'ol pal, 'ol friend..." She didn't buy it. I mean, she *literally* would not buy anything from Shep. She left in a huff.

"Hey, Val! I think I found your next customer!"

Scott's romance-sim cousin Joel Goth-Bayfield comes in and Scott talks him into buying that bass that he would look so FINE playing.

"Now let's talk about this 88-key beauty over here! This is THE ultimate stage piano. With an amazing 256 built-in sounds, 192 voice polyphony, wooden key AWA PRO action and great effects and controller functions... bench is included...uhhh..."

"Keyboard players get LOTS OF BABES!"


Wearing all this polyester is EXHAUSTING.

"Uhhhhh...let's see. That's one bass, one keyboard, a berry pie..."

"Hey! Can I get a void on this pie? I accidentally rang up a pie! THERE'S NO PIE!!! HLEEEPP!!!!!11"

"Yes, dahlink. I vill make you look mah-velous. Why you look so vorried, dahlink? You HAF NO HAIR."

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